Monday 23 December 2013

Holiday Vacation Taiwan !

So, it's been a while since I last update my blog.. :\ 
Sorry because I was pretty busy with my friend's prom performance and we needed to practice everyday 24/7.. 
But now, IT'S OVER! :DDD Such a big relieve hahaha :) 

 Here's a pic of the prom :3
Love this dress from Top Shop :)
And  Joyce look gorgeous and smexy :D !

And now, back to the vacation :) We were in Taiwan for about one week :) We've been to Taipei, TaiChung, Sun Moon Lake, and a lot more but I don't really remember the name of the places .. Lol :P Here's some pictures that I've taken in Taiwan :D 
Doing some DIY chocolate at SHOKOLAKE :DDD It was kinda fun though 
Ma FAMILY :) <3
PS: I still have two elder sis who are currently busy studying in UK and another one in Penang :) 
Cycling LOL with my Papa
My cousins and meee!  :) 
HAHAHAHA With my crazy gang cousins :D

We also celebrated Grandma's Birthday in Taiwan, it was AWESOME as we get to eat a lot of dishes. It was like 14 dishes per table and we had 4 tables all together :O  ( We have like 45 relatives going on a trip together this time :) )

Here's our Grandma 
So beautiful of my Grandma :) Stay healthy Granny <3 
She is my mum's greatest mother on earth :) We love her for all, thank you Granny for bringing my mum to earth and so could she bring me to this beautiful world :3  
Big Family Photo :D

It was cold outside the last second day before leaving Taiwan, we were up on a mountain which I don't really know what's the name already .. :P hahaha
I was playing with this bubble thingy, it was really fun and reminded me of my childhood time playing this haha :3 
If you could see the bubble.... 
No idea what was I doing :O 
Like FINALLY :DDDD Thanks to my cousie who helped me take this pic :) 
Oh look look!! Hahaha 
I made this! Haha so proud to say that :P

Oh and let me introduce my two cute and handsome cousin brothers :)
Here's Chow well we call him that or maybe his new nickname is Shaun :)
Cute right? :3 
Another innocent face haha, Hey guys I'm Kevin nice meeting you :3 
My gorgeous mummy with the two so called 'endao ba' haha :)
The sweetest couple I've ever witnessed on earth <3
Our Family Logo Tee :)

And this one, our big big big family trip photo taken in a famous temple in Taiwan :)))) 
If you're counting, there's 45 of us here ;)

And lastly, today is Christmas Eve and I wish all of the best to you people out there and thank you for making an effort to read this blog <3 Have a very Merry Christmas and remember to spend time with your love ones :) 
Have a holly jolly Christmas beautiful friends and family !
I love youuuu <3

                                                                                                                                    JOEY L.MAEVE,

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