Friday 29 November 2013

Dating With Rachel

   Hi there earthlings, this is my first time having a blog so please bare with me because well, I'm a newbie and I might be bad at it so don't judge haha :x 

So, today I went out with this dear Rachel, she is from KDU too! We're in the same college :) And also same class! Well let's say it's also fate that we both have the same ambition too. 

We went to Miam Miam for a lite lunch first, hmm I was hungry like hell :/ 
So this is what we ordered  and shared :) Superb delicious!
*Miam Miam Spaghetti* 

Rachel's favourite :)

 After this lite lunch, we went shopping in Sephora, Rachel said they're having this 20% discount so we decided to go and have a look :) 
Rachel bought this Benefit Cosmetic Mascara *They're Real* 
I didn't get myself anything because I've been spending too much this month, hmm well they say that shopping could heal a broken heart :DD 

This really works! They're my fav too! :)

After that, we've been just walking around and then tadaa! Tea time!
We went to this new cafe in town *Brown Pocket*
They're located at Penang on 6 Paragon so went and check it out :)
*Triple Chocolate*
PS: Chocolate has always been my favvvvvv !
Mocha :)

We talked a lot haha, and she is a good listener, though It's only the first time hanging out, but we could actually share stories of our own, I'm glad I know her ;) 

Rachel and I :) 
Another one :)

We've also went to this Photo Booth thingy, don't know what exactly I should call it haha, but yeah it's superb FUN! FUN! FUN!
It's kind of a expensive *RM13* for two like this .. 

Then we decided to take another one! Haha :D 

*Sorry if the pictures are blur :X*
*Tried very hard to focus them already but.. :/*

It was a nice day hanging out with Rachel, she is pretty and sexy and cute :) Hope we could be good friends and hang out more often! :D 



                                                   JOEY L. MAEVE,
12:11 AM.

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